
All songs are for promotional purposes, should be enjoyed as such and shall be taken down at the artist's request. If you like what you hear then get down to Amazon and get buying, or else! For the idiots out there *cough* debs *cough* to save the songs then right click and press save target as durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Location: London, United Kingdom

I'm great. I also have the worst taste in music in the history of the world. Except for Phil. He just beats me.

Friday, August 11, 2006

I Know I'm Right For The First Time In My Life


Really really good night out yesterday. Have done nothing at all today to compensate.

Music time, le premier chant (my french is attrocious, i apologise) est le Crowded House, because I thought I ought to explain the 'betterbehomesoon' thing. Crowded House are probably the band I would most consistently consider my favourite band ever. I went through stages of claiming it was Savage Garden (...i'm really trying to get over them i promise), then Pearl Jam, the Matchbox 20. God my music taste couldn't be any more MOR.Meh.But in reality they are the band i've loved the longest and there isn't a single song on Recurring Dream that I don't adore.

This isn't my personal favourite but it was in my head at the time of creating this, therefore tadaa:

Better Be Home Soon - Crowded House

I do rather feel that to uphold my super indie cool status I have to have at least one trendy up-and-potentially-coming band included. Today we have Los Campesinos! who are, much to their shame, Welsh. However if you are as tolerant and accepting as I am, ahem, they are fairly splendid and this song does have a marvellously cheesy end rant which never fails to make me smile, pushing the song from a 7/10 to at least a 9.


You!Me!Dancing! - Los Campesinos!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

<3 Crowded House.

10:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil says:
this los campesinos song is really good btw

There ya go, I commented :)

10:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh i remember when your favourite band was savage garden, but then darren hayes had to be gay and get married, oh the horror, i am as we speak downloading the los campinos or whatever thing be happy! x

12:06 am  
Blogger Sooz said...

i am very proud, as always.

except for when you smell, like now.

12:09 am  

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