
All songs are for promotional purposes, should be enjoyed as such and shall be taken down at the artist's request. If you like what you hear then get down to Amazon and get buying, or else! For the idiots out there *cough* debs *cough* to save the songs then right click and press save target as durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Location: London, United Kingdom

I'm great. I also have the worst taste in music in the history of the world. Except for Phil. He just beats me.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My My My

This damned thing is insanely addictive, i'm almost looking forward to going back to work next week to stop myself posting so much.

So anyway, until my sister lets me back on her computer you guys get the somewhat limited selection on this laptop. Be excited, be be excited.

First up we get the third best Nelly Furtado song evah (first being Try and second Powerless, obv). Once you get over the fact it was written by Chris Martin (ugh) is in fact a brilliant pop song and was my 'end of uni' anthem, bless.

All Good Things Come to an End - Nelly Furtado

*sniff* it's so sad.

Second we have genius song by...I have no idea. I suspect I got it trying to download some Keane (don't laugh) but got this instead, five thousand times better. Ahh google says it is the Cat Empire, we love you google. Crazy trumpets, silly foreign accents = fantastic song.

Hello - The Cat Empire

She knelt down beside, said 'can I share your pillow?'
I rolled over and I said, ‘well hchello hchello...’


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god susie you use this too much! but the cat empire song is rather cool, and no, you can't have my computer as you didnt let me go to the bloody rainforest cafe, and you made me walk today! other than that im quite impressed you use this and you are a fish xxx

9:41 pm  
Blogger Sooz said...

lalala the computer shall be mine, you are back at school soon ner ner!

you are a prawn

10:03 pm  

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